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Protecting Your Family from Flu

Written by: Ms. Tham Wei Mei, APAM EXCO Member

While Malaysia is stricken by a bout of flu virus, practitioners of aromatherapy are recommending the use of essential oils to strengthen your family’s natural defenses.

Essential oils work by neutralizing harmful airborne particles.

A study from France shows that the 5 essential oils above killed an impressive 206 out of 210 colonies of harmful microbes, including the highly-contagious H1N1 influenza strain.

Meanwhile, a 2014 review of essential oils recognized the health benefits of essential oils. They also noted antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and other properties that may have applications for human medicine.

The 6 Best Essential Oils in Fighting the Flu

  1.  Eucalyptus – The vapour in eucalyptus oil kills the influenza virus after just 10 minutes, a study in Essence Journal reveals. Eucalyptus is highly recommended for opening the nasal passages and breaking up congestion. It also protects your lungs from inflammation and stimulates infection-fighting antibodies.
  2. Cinnamon – Rich in antioxidants, cinnamon oil is a natural antimicrobial, containing several anti-inflammatory compounds.
  3. Clove – Clove oil is a powerful anti-bacterial essential oil that kills highly-contagious harmful strains of bacteria.
  4. Oregano – Several studies found that Oregano oil is effective against respiratory viruses, such as flu viruses. It has been traditionally used for respiratory health, and become a popular alternative remedy for cold and flu symptoms.
  5. Rosemary Rosemary assists in your body’s detoxification process. Rosemary contains antioxidants that protect cells from premature death, and regularise the body’s inflammatory response.
  6. Lemon – Lemon oil is very effective for opening up the breathing passages. Studies show it strengthens the lymph nodes, driving out toxic waste from the body and improving immune cell function.

Why Use Essential Oils for Flu?

  1. Unfortunately, flu viruses are constantly changing and mutating, which makes it hard for researchers to develop effective medications.
  2. These strongly scented oils can help alleviate your flu symptoms, especially by clearing your nasal passage and reducing headaches. Some oils may even have antiviral benefits to help treat infections and reduce fever.

In using essential oils, quality matters.  While essential oils can help fight the flu and decrease your symptoms, you shouldn’t rely on them as your only treatment.


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