Membership Application

You may fill up below online form or download attached PDF to fill up the form and send back to us by email.


* Membership Categories

  1. Affiliate Member. Open to public and students. Affiliate Member shall not provide aromatherapy to the general public. Admission fee RM 50, membership fee RM 50 p.a.
    附属会员此会员资格对学生和公众成员开放。附属会员不得向公众提供芳香疗法。入会费RM 50,年费RM 50。
  2. Associate Member (AAPAM). Qualification: MQA certificate in Aromatherapy / Professional Certificate in Aromatherapy / or equivalents.  Admission fee RM 50, membership fee RM 50 p.a.
    准会员。MQA芳疗文凭或专业文凭课程或同等资格。入会费RM 50,年费RM 50。
  3. Ordinary Member (MAPAM). Qualification: Diploma in Aromatherapy from MQA accredited programmes. Admission fee RM 100, membership fee RM 100 p.a.
    普通会员。资格:MQA认可的芳疗大专文凭课程。入会费RM 100,年费RM 100。
  4. Ordinary Practising Member (MAPAM): Ordinary Members who have completed clinical training required by APAM. Admission fee RM 100, membership fee RM 100 p.a.
    执业会员。资格:已完成由APAM规定临床培训的普通会员。入会费RM 100,年费RM 100。
  5. Fellow Member (FAPAM): Ordinary Practising Member with minimum 5 years’ experience and have made major contribution to aromatherapy profession. Admission fee RM 200, membership fee RM 200.
    资深会员。资格:具有至少5年经验并对芳疗行业做出了重大贡献的执业会员。入会费RM 200,年费RM 200。
  6. Corporate Member. Open to organisation that are interested in promoting the objectives of the APAM.  Corporate Member does not equal to Ordinary Practising Member.  Admission fee RM 1,000, membership fee RM 1,000 p.a.
    企业会员。开放给有兴趣推广APAM目标的组织机构。企业会员不同等于执业会员。入会费RM 1000,年费RM 1000。


Persatuan Pengamal Aromaterapi Malaysia

Bank: Ambank (M) Berhad  

Account no.: 888 103 882 8226
