Most likely no.
In Islam, the healing power of scents, essential oils and traditional oils as a way to correct imbalances that are the source of disease is widely accepted.
The understanding of these essential oil remedies and the methods of extracting essential oils from plants have been passed down to the present time.
A pioneer of aromatherapy was Islam’s own father of medicine, Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Sina aka Avicenna. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Sina was the Arabian father of Medicine from Islam’s Golden Era around 1000 AD.
Considered the inventor of distillation, Persian-born Ibn Sina refined traditional distillation processes and invented a pipe that used steam to distil plants and produce true essential oils.
Some concerns have been raised in the eventuality that the essential oils may contain alcohol. As long as it is not ingested, this should not be an issue as the same alcohol is also used in operating theatres and to clean wounds.
回教的医学之父——Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Sina(也被称为Avicenna)也是芳疗的先驱。Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Sina 是大概公元1000年,阿拉伯回教黄金时期的医学之父。
被视为蒸馏法的发明人,波斯人Ibn Sina改良了传统的蒸馏过程并发明了一个利用蒸汽蒸馏植物并提取纯精油的管子。