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Clary Sage for Supporting Female Reproductive System

Clary Sage is a type herbaceous perennial that is native to the Mediterranean region.  It receives its name from the Latin word “clarus”, meaning clarifying and cleansing.  It has been known by many other names, including “clear eye”, “bright eye” due to its benefits to the eye vision.  During the Middle Ages, it was also known as “Eye of Christ”, which fully explains the cleansing, brightening and soothing effects of clary sage.  The flowers are violet or white.  Clary sage essential oil is steam-distilled from its flowers. The essential oil is widely used cosmetically, topically, medicinally and in aromatherapy applications.

The aromatic compounds found in clary sage oil are: linalool, linalyl acetate, sclareol, α-terpineol, germacrene-D, geraniol, geranyl acetate, β-caryophyllene with a high concentration of the esters up to 60 – 80%.  This makes it a relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oil.  Linalool has anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and anti-spasm effects.  Linalyl acetate is a natural compound with mood calming effect.  Clary sage is also called the “Woman’s Oil” because of its benefits to women’s health, especially for menstruation and menopause.  The sclareol compound in the oil helps diminishing pain, cramps, night sweats, hot flashes and balancing hormones.

Essential oils are widely used to support the endocrine system and promote balance and homeostasis.  Let’s take a look at the uses of and benefits of clary sage in supporting women’s health.

  • Pre-menstrual symptomsThe functions of a woman’s reproductive system are controlled by hormones of the endocrine system.  Pituitary gland in the brain is the master gland of the endocrine system, as it controls all other glands.  It is believed that clary sage helps to regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels with its effects on the pituitary gland.  Its calming and relaxing chemical compounds help to address pre-menstrual symptoms like bloating, cramps, mood swings and food cravings.
  • Menstrual pain The linalool compound in Clary sage has the antispasmodic and analgesic effect that relieves muscle cramps, headaches and stomach aches.  It relaxes the nerve impulses and thus relieves the pains.  A 2012 study done in South Korea investigated the alleviating effects of aromatherapy massage and acetaminophen on the menstrual pain of forty-five high school girls.  The girls were assigned to the treatment group to receive aromatherapy massage and the control group to receive acetaminophen.  A ten-minute abdominal massage using essential oils of clary sage, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger, and geranium, diluted with carrier oil.  The level of menstrual pain in both groups were measured after twenty-four hours.  The pain was significantly reduced in the aromatherapy massage treatment group.
  • Labour and childbirthAromatherapy is one of the optional services that some of the National Health Service maternity units in U.K. offer to mothers for pain relief in labour, provided the specified criteria are met.  Clary sage is one of the essential oils used in these units to promote relaxation and natural physiological labour, and to relieve muscle aches and pains.  The oils are applied via baths, compress, vaporisation, showers, inhalation or massage.  A study in U.K. over a period of 8 years between 1990 and 1998, had evaluated the effect of aromatherapy for 8058 mothers during labour.  Clary sage was used in this study for assisting contractions to enhance labour.  It was noted that of the multigravidae in spontaneous labour who received clary sage, 70% did not subsequently require intravenous oxytocin.
  • Pre-menopause symptoms Before the cessation of menstruation, women aged between 35 to 45 experience perimenopause, or pre-menopause.  During this time, the ovaries gradually starts to produce less estrogen, which causes irregular periods and abdominal cramps.  This results in symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability, mood swing, headaches and palpitations.  A combination of essential oils with specific compounds is beneficial for the targeted symptoms
    • A blend of clary sage, lavender, bergamot and chamomile for better sleep.
    • A blend of clary sage, geranium and cypress for hormones imbalance, headaches and mood swings.
    • A blend of clary sage, lavender, melissa and geranium with distilled water, spray on face and body when hot flushes occur.

Potential side effects of clary sage essential oil include:

  • Drowsiness due to its sedative properties, therefore avoid driving after applying clary sage.
  • Uterine contractions, thus dangerous for pregnant women.

Sage or Clary Sage?

Clary sage essential oil is commonly mistaken for sage essential oil.  Though both sage and clary sage are from the same evergreen shrub family, their essential oils content differs from each other.  Sage essential oil is distilled from the leaves of the Salvia Officinalis herb.  The key chemical components of sage essential oil are ketones, sesquiterpenes, oxides, monoterpenes, insignificant content of esters and sclareol.  Its sesquiterpenes compound brings the antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects; oxides are good for phlegm and analgesic stimulation; and monoterpenes have digestive and analgesic and anti-rheumatic properties.  However, the thujone compound in sage is reported to be toxic to the brain, kidney and liver cells, and could also cause convulsions with high dosage.

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